
Sunday 23 June 2013

Time flies...when you get a new job!

It's been a while since I have last posted - I have lots to report!

I have a new job!
I've been in my new role for 4 months now and although it is very time intensive, I absolutely love it! I never thought I would find a job (that I actually get paid to do!) that I would love. It wasn't easy to find this job, and it really happened very quickly, but it has made me realise just how important it is to love what you do.

Completed Couch to 5k!
I can't believe I've done it! But I did! My fitness levels are significantly better than they were!

Ditched "Diets"
I love loosing weight quickly, but I have learnt something about myself - if I deprive myself of something, eventually I crack and do much worse than I would have done if I had just had it in the first place. I am no longer open to going on diets. I am looking to change to something that will last forever. As a result I am eating more veg and even a tiny bit of fruit. I still have chocolate and I still eat carbs, I have just reduced the quantity.

My weightloss has been really slow - my heaviest weight to date has been 72kg - thankfully I didn't stay there long. 
At the beginning of my new "change" I weighed 70kg. Since ditching diets & increasing my exercise I have lost about 1.5kg in a month - very slow to say the least. I don't think my body likes me very much. It must be very confused after nearly 3 years of yoyo dieting.

Since completing the Couch to 5k programme, I have kept up my running. I can now jog for 7km - admitedly still very slowly - but without stopping! 
The last 3 weeks I have been doing 1-2 workouts a day with one rest day. I vary between 60 minute hot yoga classes and jogging. I have done a few kettle bell workouts at home - but I can now tell that I really need to ramp up my effort with weights - after all the dieting and lack of exercise, my lean muscle mass is incredibly low - probably making my metabolic burn rate low - hence the lack of weight loss.

What now?
- 1-2 workouts a day - 1 rest day per week
- Eat less processed food
- Eat more veg
- Eat less processed carbs
- Drink 2 litres of water a day
- Need to find a good way to get a strength workout that will really hurt the next day...

Thursday 24 January 2013

Ladies Card Evening

I have taken inspiration from Desperate Housewives and Gretchen Rubbin's find that creating groups is a great way to increase happiness. 

I've started a Ladies Card Evening - we've just had our second meeting and it was great. At the moment there are 6 of us, although we haven't had a full house yet (excuse the pun!) The host provides a soup and suggest a card game and we take it in turns to bring wine. 

It's great - there are 3 of us that know each other well, and each of us has invited someone along that lives locally and will hopefully enjoy a good chat and an interesting game of cards! Getting to know more girls has been a lot of fun! We meet approx every 10 days - next time we're meeting at a wine tasting bar - it might improve our card playing skills!

A New Year = A New Me?

Happy  New Year!

The New Year is full of new resolutions; things we want to start doing, stop doing or both! It's nearly the end of January and I think I am finally happy with my resolutions...but rather than resolutions I've decided to have a list of 5, sort of like a 2013 "To Do List", some of which are very easy to achieve, others more difficult!

Sophia's 2013 To Do List:

  1. Find a four leaf clover 
  2. Run/jog 5k 
  3. Go for a picnic
  4. Find my dream job
  5. Reach 58kg

My 2013 list explained

I fondly remember trying to find four leaf clovers as a child, the frustration of not being able to see any, to finally finding one!

I've been reading Gretchen Rubbin's The Happiness Project, I really like some of the things she comes up with, for example taking pleasure in simple tasks, remembering things we enjoyed doing as a child etc. Hence the finding a four leaf clover (I want to frame it and hang it in our small kitchen) and going for a picnic. I've told Alex about these two and he is game! He loves the idea!

Running/jogging 5k - well as you know I had started the NHS Couch to 5k program, but then broke my toe! I'm not going to let that stop me. I am simply going to start again. The real aim of this one is to complete the program and regularly (at least once a month) run 5k to keep fit! (Well in my case get fit, then to keep fit!)

Finding my dream job is ambitious and a dream, not to say it isn't realistic, but I am aware that its more of a journey, sometimes we have to take the right steps to reach our dreams - which is exactly what I plan on doing. This may mean that I try a couple of new jobs and just see if I can discover what will be best...this item on my to do list scares me most...well that and the weight loss...

Reach 58kg - yep, I've done it! I've added it to the list and I'm worried about it. I want to succeed, yet I know it's very ambitious. I'm breaking it down into smaller targets and I will be happy with every target I hit! Current weight 70kg+ (I'll update the exact figure later...did I mention I got scales that measure fat percentage for Christmas?!) Weight targets: 65kg, 60kg, 58kg.

As always, I'm looking for good things to stick!

Sunday 2 December 2012

The day I broke my little toe... was silly. I was dancing the night away, having a fabulous time with friends, such a good time in fact, I took of my shoes to dance some more. Then someone kind of kicked my little toe, as soon as it happened I thought it was bad. I went home shortly after, luckily everyone felt it was home time so I didn't need to mention my toe.

The next day, I knew it was broken. I couldn't move or touch it and it was agony. Now I know breaking your little toe isn't that uncommon - I believe some people don't even notice! Trust me, I noticed!

Apart from it being painful and inconvenient, I am most annoyed that I can't continue my running (ok, fine - jogging/walking at the moment!) It's so frustrating to have started something, done well with it and even enjoyed it to the extent where I look forward to the mornings I do my little runs, and now because of my stupid toe I won't be able to do it for a while!

Apparently it can take up to 6 weeks to heal - I'm really hoping for 1 week tops - I will keep you updated - in the mean time, I'm the one with an awkward limp...

Challenge 3 - failed!

It's happened...I've failed my first challenge of the project. I haven't done my 50 sit-ups for the last 3 days...

Maybe it was inevitable, but I like to think all of the challenges are realistic. This challenge was realistic, I just forgot! I know, how can you forget your challenge?!

Weirdly I've just been reading about enjoying failure in the "Happiness Project" book - I'm not sure I agree with everything Gretchen Rubin says on the topic, but I do think failure is something we have to accept, but I won't let it defeat me!

I am starting this challenge again! I will let you know how I get on!

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Couch to 5k - Week 2 - Run 1

Ok, ok, calling it a run is probably a tad ambitious, but it's much easier to say and write!

I've just comeback from my first session of the Week 2 podcast for the NHS Choices, Couch to 5k scheme.  I woke up this morning, couldn't find my usual running trousers (which weirdly are actual winter running trousers I bought from Aldi nearly 4 months ago and then never wore! I knew they would be usual, must remember to tell Alex I was right!) 

Anyway, after getting dressed I then saw Alex still in bed, all warm and snuggled, so decided to get back into bed - should never do that - and nearly didn't go for the run! 

Thankfully I hate waking up earlier than I need to, so I HAD to go, otherwise waking up would have been a waste of effort!

The session consisted of (or at least I think it did!):

  • 5 minute warm up walk
  • 90 seconds of jogging (that's a 30 second increase from last week) followed by a 2 minute walk (also a 30 second increase from last week) x 5 (I think, I mean I did count, but I can't be sure that I didn't lose count whilst trying to distract myself - that should be a new fine art form - stay focused whilst trying to distract yourself!)
  • 5 minute cool down walk
I must look really funny when I go for this session. I mean I usually wear the running trousers from Aldi, as I couldn't find them today I had to wear my baggy yoga pants, my Aldi waterproof jacket with a fleece thing in it (which I think does the job perfectly!), in fact I even have actual running shoes, nice black sketchers, probably the most expensive trainers I ever bought and I actually hadn't intended to use them for jogging, I just thought they looked nice!

The bits that might have looked for interesting are the white faux furry, Russian style hat (sadly I don't resemble the model in the image I have used!) and if people can see them at that time of morning, my delicate, chocolate brown, leather gloves! Oh well I will treat myself to new stuff once I'm up and running 5k on a weekly basis, that and when Christmas is over!

Book/Reading - The Happiness Project

I thought it was about time for me to provide an update on what I am reading (it is after all one of the elements of this project!). Currently it's Gretchen Rubin's "The Happiness Project", which was, as previously mentioned, recommended to me by my friend, Emma. 

Emma first talked about the book to me when she was reading it, then kindly sent it to me once she finished - its the kind of thing her and I are constantly discussing and we both find very interesting. Obviously the book is of great interest to me now that I'm writing the blog - I just wish I had picked it up sooner! 

I'll be honest, I found it a little difficult to pick up and start reading, but that may have been because I was trying to do a very similar thing myself. One of my first reactions to the book were "I wish I could run my project and write about it without working a 50 hour+ week on the side". That aside, I am loving some of the tips, the de-cluttering is something Alex and I really need to do, but it just seems to stay on the to-do list, which is actually another aspect of her project. One of my favourite things about the book is that Gretchen Rubin refers back to "being Gretchen", which put simply means being true to who she is, not some ideal version of herself. 

I could do with doing a lot more of that. "Being Sophia" is by no means an easy task (all my own fault of course!), I do set myself up to fail a lot, then really beat myself up about it - I can be my own worst enemy! (Aren't we all?!). In part doing "The Challenges" has really helped me with that. Simple, targeted goals that are achievable. 

Reading the "Happiness Project" has also confirmed a lot of things for me in my own "Self Improvement Project". I have a full time job so my project needs to run differently. Research has to be done on the weekends. I very often write my blog posts at work during my lunch break, then send them to myself via LinkedIn (we can't access our personal email accounts from work), then actually publish the post in the evening (and I do try to proof read before doing so!) 

I frequently publish posts within minutes of each other - I have contemplated fining a way of timing it, but I'm mainly writing this blog for myself. 

I've just thought of something else I really like through reading the "Happiness Project" - being in an environment of growth will always make us happy, even if the emotion on a daily basis is not (e.g. I am currently always pushed for time since committing so much time to my Self Improvement Project and blogging about it, so I often feel stressed, however over all doing this project and writing this blog is making me feel happier - much happier actually!) 

This post has got a little long - I'll leave it there for now and report back on more findings from the Happiness Project at a later point!